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  2018年宁红集团宁红茶被亚组委授予第18届亚运会官方唯一指定茶叶,宁红亚运茶礼采用百年传承的匠心工艺,经萎凋、揉捻、发酵、干燥、精制等多道工序,制作而成的宁红特级工夫红茶——宁红金毫,将口感发挥到了极佳。宁红金毫以条索紧结秀丽,金毫显露,锋苗挺拔,色泽乌润,香味持久, 叶底红亮,滋味浓醇的特色而驰名中外。

  宁红亚运国礼茶尊由景德镇大师何炳钦设计制作,茶与瓷是中华文明走向世界的重要媒介,近千年来中国景德镇一直代表着主流陶瓷文化,江西省宁红集团国茶与景德镇国瓷的结合,诠释了中华文明的盛世与辉煌。茶尊采用“白如玉、明如镜、薄如纸、声如馨”的景德镇陶瓷,分为红紫绿蓝四种颜色, 其中,红色的“康宁红运”、绿色的“翠霓雅韵”、紫色的“紫气东来”、蓝色的“碧海金霞”等颜色寓意无不彰显浓郁的东方韵味。

第三届国际茶业年会达成宜宾共识,成立国际茶业合作组织 关注小生产者利益上议事日程















我们衷心感谢现有的国际茶叶组织很好地履行了自己的责任,并在各自的专业领域发挥着极为重要的作用。为团结国际茶叶行业各个环节,着眼茶叶贸易促进、科技发展、品牌与文化推广、市场拓展、消费提升、国际合作与法律咨询等工作,我们认为,有必要发起成立国际茶业合作组织(英文名International Tea Cooperation Organization,简称:T20+),致力于推动富有成效的工作。











Yibin Common Consensus

March 2019, Yibin, China


2019 Annual International Tea Conference (Yibin) is held in Yibin, Sichuan Province, China, from March 18-20. The Conference is co-organized by the China Chamber of Commerce for I&E of Foodstuffs, Native Produce and Animal By-Products (CFNA), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United NationsIntergovernmental Group on Tea (FAO-IGG), International Tea Committee (ITC), and China Tea Science Society (CTSS).There are altogether over 390 participants, including domestic and overseas tea industry organizationsrepresentatives, tea experts and academics, well-known tea corporationsrepresentatives, and municipal government representatives of tea producing regions. This year, we celebrate the theme of Tea brings the World together, at the First City on the Yangtze. At the conference, we unite all segments of the industry, to strive for the prosperity of the world tea economy, with the cultural attribute and health functions of tea as the foundation, cultural exchange as a media, and technological innovation as a leading force.


In this years conference, we reviewed the world tea production, trade and consumption, and its trends. Although the world tea industry is still faced with multiple challenges, like excess capacity, imbalance of quality and price, insufficient guarantee of the benefits to producers, etc., it owns opportunities brought about by new products innovation, extension of value chain, and target consumer groups and new markets. We believe that the world tea industry foresees a steady and promising future, with great potential.


We agree that technological innovation is a guideline for the future development of the industry. It is the key to tackling the obstacles faced in the development of the industry, and to help improve production quality and efficiency, increase added value of tea products, and create new selling points and customer groups, which will benefit the whole value chain. To emphasize the strategic significance of technological innovations, and work jointly to promote tea consumption, increase the market share of tea , explore new markets and to move forward hand in hand are the shared responsibilities of the global tea family.


This years conference witnessed the success of the first meeting of the Confederation of the International Tea Smallholders (CITS) and the First Protem Committee Meeting of the China-ASEAN Tea Industry Cooperation Summit. The CITS is co-initiated by the producing and consuming countries, and aimed at ensuring the accessibility and benefits of the tea smallholders in the supply chain. The first headquarters of CITS will be located in Yibin, China. The ASEAN Tea Organization (ATO) is initiated by the tea industries of six ASEAN countries. After the meeting, the ATO will seek opportunities for multilateral tea industrial cooperation, and organize China-ASEAN Tea Industry Cooperation Summit when ready. It is justifiable to say, the international tea industry is advancing into an interlinked and integrated platform of shared resources.


We would like to extend our sincere appreciation to all international organisations for having participated in this meeting. In order to unite all segments of the industry, and highlight tea trade facilitating, technological development, brand and culture promoting, market growth, and increase consumption,through international cooperation. We think it is highly important to establish an International Tea Cooperation Organisation (T20+) aimed at persuing practical outcomes.


We have participated in the Annual International Tea Conference (Yibin) for three consecutive years. In that time, weve seen the efforts made by the Yibin Municipal Government in facilitating the conference. We hence initiate the proposal of establishing the International TeaCooperation Organisation (T20+), and the organisation will be located in Yibin, to show our sincere appreciation to Yibin government and peoples coherent support to the tea industry.


We agree to establish the International Tea Cooperation Organisation under the Annual International Tea Conference (AITC) for the first three years . Pending the agreement of the constitution, the secretariat of the organisation will be located in Yibin, China.


We are committed to working together to benefit the global tea industry.


Delegates from: Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Malawi, Malaysia, Mexico, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Russia, Senegal, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkey, UAE, UK, USA, Vietnam.


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